UPDATE: There is now a more simple solution. Add et_slider_auto_ignore_hover in Gallery Module Settings > Custom CSS tab, as shown below.

The DIVI slider now defaults to "pause on hover" and there is no setting currently available to disable pause on hover. To turn in off you need to login to your web hosting control panel or FTP to: wp-content/themes/Divi/js/custom.js
From this file you can remove the following:
$et_slider.hover( function() {
$et_slider.addClass( 'et_slider_hovered' );
if ( typeof et_slider_timer != 'undefined' ) {
clearInterval( et_slider_timer );
}, function() {
$et_slider.removeClass( 'et_slider_hovered' );
} );

Hi! Thanks for the info. I've used et_slider_auto_ignore_hover and it works perfectly. The question I have is, how to you get rid of the < > handles on the sides of the slider?